[RC] WEG endurance test event q's - Cindy Stafford
Maybe some of you familiar with the big international endurance events can enlighten me on this? I'm curious on how our test event in KY may have stacked up against other comparable events elsewhere? Such as in terms of trail conditions and difficulty of the course?
Since the race had to be shortened due to weather and trail conditions, is that considered a problem that needs to improved? I know in AERC world, it's just one of those things you deal with, you just go with the flow...but are there differerent standards for an endurance event on the world level? I recall reading on how much effort was put into grooming trails for some other rides (like Malaysia??), is that the standard that the USA will need to achieve?
And how does the course itself compare in terms of challenge to other similar events if it hadn't been a slopfest? some of my endurance buddies don't care for that ride (the Pyramid event) because of all the riding thru fields and flatness. But is that preferred in FEI world so it's more flat track racing?
Not trying to critique - just trying to learn and be a better informed cheering fan :)