From: merryben@xxxxxxxx To: sandydsa@xxxxxxx Subject: RE: [RC] Ride Entries Date: Mon, 12 Oct 2009 10:47:30 -0700
Here's a hot flash for you. The little kids who fill out their entries are always legible, always have the correct information and the correct signatures. Little kids (11 on up) are great entry filler outers...........mb
From: sandydsa@xxxxxxx To: merryben@xxxxxxxx Subject: Re: [RC] Ride Entries Date: Mon, 12 Oct 2009 10:12:53 -0700
nope never :) _ I am just handling the sandtioned AHA section of the Regional Champ ride. Got an entry with NO payment, NO signatures, and NO paperwork on the horse. I emailed her and told her she needed to send it or she would not be cross entered. These are ADULT PEOPLE! If one is of age to participate in such events, one must be responsible enough to complete the forms for cryin out loud!
On Oct 12, 2009, at 9:46 AM, Maryben Stover wrote:
This should be printed on the back of every ride entry. Course the people it applies to don't read the entry. I harp on this constantly but the same people do this over and over. The ride entries are scribbled as fast as possible so the names are impossible to read. Another caveat is to make the check out the way the entry says to make it out. I always get at least 5 checks made payable to me. But the all time favorite of mine is the people who want to give your their horse's AERC number during the middle of ride day when you are timing, hanlding emergencies, etc. ..........mb (who can tell Sandy has done a ride lately)
Just a heads up - when you send in an entry, FILL IT OUT COMPLETELY! A "ride secretary" is not someone who fills in what you are too busy or lazy to fill out yourself. Fill our ALL paperwork entirely, then double check it, because if you don't you may not be allowed to ride at some rides, and at others, you may not get credit with whatever organization is sponsoring. It is not the job of ride management or volunteers to hunt you down for info or signatures. Personally, I consider it laziness but whatever it is, FILL OUT your OWN paperwork. In the case of a ride being dual sanctioned by AHA, if you do NOT sign your paperwork or fill it out completely, it will be sent in that way and then YOU get to figure it out. There. Sheesh!
Sandy Adams
Deep Sands Arabians
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Sandy Adams
Deep Sands Arabians
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