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[RC] Grand Canyon XP Day 5 - stevesphoto@xxxxxxxxxx

Last day, everyone still in really good spirits. 39 riders took the trail this morning to sunshine and blue skies. The trail went back to the north rim of the Canyon and ran the Rainbow Trails in reverse of what was done on Day 1. The riders worked along the rim trail until Timp point and then they headed inland for some new trail.

I went to the view point at North Timp Point for photos as the Grand Canyon in the back ground was a great back drop for the final day.

Here is the list of the top ten riders:

Crockett Dumas
Darla Wright
Kerry Redente
Dave Rabe
Cheryl Johnson
Corrie Clinton
Derorah Breshers
Karen Fredrickson
Bruce Weary

People are packing up to head home so camp will be pretty bare by tomorrow morning. Cindy and I had a great time and if anyone is contemplating doing this ride next year all I can say is "Do it".

Happy Trails,


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