RE: [RC] let's play name the fungus! - SHEILA A WALSH
Hi Cindy,
I brought home my first endurance horse 20 years ago. He has those little white bumps in his ears. When he was purchase vet checked, my vet told me they were scars from gnats biting his ears.
I thought they were why he was sensitive around his ears, but quickly learned that he had been "eared" among other things by former owners and owner's husbands, who tried to "train" him (when their wife was at work).
He is still out in my pasture, with those little white scars. He's no longer competed, but he stills takes me around the neighborhood with those ears forward and a spring in his step.
We are like an old married couple. He knows what I am thinking and I know when he's going to shy.
Ain't it grand?
From: cjstaf@xxxxxxx To: ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx Subject: [RC] let's play name the fungus! Date: Sun, 4 Oct 2009 19:42:28 +0000
My horse hs something in the inside of her ears that looks like it might be a fungus. They're little white round bumps, each one about the size of a head of a pin (almost like insect eggs). They're hard and gently scraping witha fingernail doesn't remove any. It's mostly in one ear, but starting in the other.
asked around at my barn where I board and they've seen it before, said it's a fungus but you can't get rid of it. If you try, it bleeds and gets worse.
So ridecampers, chime in here if you've seen this before? and if so, what is it? And were you able to get rid of it? How?
Cindy and Zoey the perpetual medical mystery horse