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[RC] VC 100 and choking horses - sherman

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My neighbors horse choked on grass hay even though he was in pasture and theoretically constantly grazing. He just happened to take too big of a bite it seems. No treatment was necessary and she then scattered the hay as she fed so it wouldn't be in a convenient big pile.
I think I recall a horse at Tevis a few years ago, when he nose-dived into a bucket of wet beet pulp as he arrived at a vet check. So maybe it's just a matter of encouraging small bites instead of letting the horses take in big mouthfuls, especially the type where they keep taking it in as they're chewing, at least when they are very hungry.
The desert weather at VC100 was very moderate, I thought. Although, my throat became dry even before the sun rose, and  there was nearly always a slight breeze, sometimes more. So maybe arid conditions contributes to the risk of choke?