If we want people to move up in distance from LD to 50’s to 75’s to 100’s we need to really believe in and stick to the motto”to finish is to win”On my first 100 I overheard a conversation where they were complaining that they were going to have to put out glow sticks for me to finish. That really took the joy out of my first 100. I totally agree that if a meal and awards schedule is set and posted in the ride information, that is what should happen, unless it slips later, but never earlier. I think the turtle award has such a negative connotation attached to it. We should do away with it. “to finish is to win”The rules allow 12 hours for a 50 and 24 hours for a 100. Those are the rulesand nothing less. Encourage riders to NOT OVERRIDE their horses to avoid being late for dinner!
“Only those that will risk going to far can possibly find out how far one can go” (or how fast- without over riding their horse)
We need to encourage this attitude—help a turtle outJwe are not all able to be full time conditioners
Also leave the one hour to meet Pulse alone, a rule change that will discourage people to try to move up in distance. Where is the data to back this change up?