Brankets on foals can accidentally get turned around and choke
or suffocate them. It is far better to let them grow a winter coat.
I had a foal born in early March during a very cold spell, high 20's, in So.
Calif. near Riverside. I put the mare & foal in a 12 x 12 pen under my
carport to keep the rain off of them. I spread a layer of straw 2 feet
thick and a layer of grass hay (2 100 lb bales) over the straw. Baby
& mom did great. Only problem, this filly (now 3 years old)
is allergic to all grass hays. Don't know if it was a result of
sleeping in that bermuda grass hay as a baby or not. I highly recommend
making some cute human baby blankets and donating them to your local hospital's
baby ward.