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[RC] Picky eaters - debsearle

I have a half-arab I've been competing on for several years now. I ride mostly 
CTR, 25s, 35s and occasionally longer distances. Multi-day rides every other 
weekend or so. My problem is my horse is a picky eater. He eats fine at home, 
always licking out his feed tub, but get to a ride and he morphs into "Mr 
Fussy". We did two 30s last weekend and I don't believe he ate 1\3 of his 
breakfast, none of his lunch and stuck his foot in his dinner and scattered it 
all over just to irritate me. He picks at his hay no matter what type of hay he 
gets. I'd love to do a 4 day ride next month but I'm afraid my horse will go on 
a hunger strike. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get him to eat at a 
ride? I try and make his meals "irresistible", adding all sorts of goodies, 
apple slices, carrots, those little treats you buy at the feed store.  He hates 
it all, but only at the rides. At home he eats anything and everything. His 
weight is excellent and he's good and sound. After the second 30 last weekend 
his gut sounds were only a C. I'm afraid that next month after 4 days in a row  
without eating he could be in trouble. Any suggestions?

BTW, he HATES beet pulp so I've been feeding him Omolene 400 (Complete 
Advantage) which contains beet pulp but it's "camouflaged" so he doesn't know 
he's eating it.  


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