I admit. I grew up around horse people in the 70s and 80s who didn't value wearing a hardhat while riding their show horses around in the dirt. didn't wear one unless I was taking a jumping lesson. didn't learn the value of it. until I realized my own mortality after several bad wrecks. Broken bones can mend but brains don't do so well. Now I feel naked without one on, a helmet, that is.
Did you hear about the lady who nearly blew herself up in her car? She stopped at a gas station to put some gas in a can, then set the can in the passenger seat. It was dark. To see if she had put enough gas in the can, she lit a lighter over it. Boom. Someone from a local radio station said it was Darwin's theory of evolution at work ...
but seriously. maybe she didn't know that gasoline was "gas"eous. no one taught her. just like some people don't know that our brains are in a bucket on top of our head and if the bucket gets knocked real hard, the brain bleeds, bruises and swells and has no where to go. the resulting pressure does permanent, if not fatal, damage.
ok, enuf on topic someone said. but I'm glad ALOT of endurance riders use helmets. makes me feel like I'm in a special club that won't go extinct due to stupidity.