I'm on my 3rd helmet since April!! Both times I came off, I landed on my head and smashed my helmet. The first time (the rider ahead didn't tell me he was going to take off at a gallop. When my horse spun and then bolted to catch up, I came off over his shoulder, tried to do a tuck-and-roll, but only got half way around, so broke my shoulder as well as my helmet. - And the second time . . . I still have Amnesia. I only know I arrived back at my car riding my horse on a trail I never take. When I untacked, I noticed my helmet was smashed on the right side, and the visor was missing. Retracing the trail the next day, I found my visor 2 miles out, and the ground was churned up. I guess I came off, and remounted while semi-conscious and my horse took me back to the trailer. (I know what you're thinking ~ Maybe I should get a different horse!). Well, at least my horse always waits for me when he dumps me!
So, whenever I see riders who never wear a helmet, I am always impressed! I think they sure know how to buy a horse (that doesn't spook/spin/bolt/fall and is otherwise predictable)! And/or they have confidence in knowing they will land on their feet if they do come off. I know there are riders that have never worn helmets, and they are still riding just fine. I just wonder how they don't hit the overhanging tree limbs like the one that smashed my other helmet three years ago at a trot (it was hidden behind a leafy branch). I just don't know how riders can ride for years and years, and not hit their heads!! I am very impressed with them and their choice of horses!!
I have to chip in here, April was not the only rider not wearing a helmet at the AERCNC. I was surprised at the number of riders in both distances NOT wearing helmets. You don't have to be racing to possibly have an accident - the ground is just as hard if you are trotting or walking and hit your head wrong.