April, I would guess most of us have been and done
what you have done. Not to worry, you learned from it. You
didn't hurt your horse, maybe your pride or maybe how you look at
yourself. Now you know, now you will apply your knowledge, and you will be
a better competitor for it. Running in front is one of the hardest things
to do. There is always constant worry about the horse. Am I asking
too much? Did I do my homework? Now that I am older, I can say I no
longer have any desire to run in front (just an excuse, of course), but I will
say this, I do enjoy the ride more at a slower pace. That is not to say
that I haven't had some pretty exciting rides when up in the front. I
kinda miss it, and I kinda don't. There is always another ride another day
and you and your horse will be just fine.