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[RC] [Endurance Riding: News] Spain: Jordi Romero, campeon de Catalunyade Raid - MerriFederacio-catalana-hipica.cat La disciplina de Raid ja te nou Campio de Catalunya, en la figura de Jordi Romero. El genet de Roda de Ter, que va muntar al cavall Roig, va aconseguir el millor temps del recorregut de 120 Km, que es va disputar aquest cap de setmana a les proximitats de Ripoll. El nou campio de Catalunya, va realitzar un temps final de 8 hores, 39 minuts i 40 segons, superant per un estret marge a una de les màximes favorites al titol, Maria Alvarez. The discipline has already Raid Champion of Catalonia CEI**, the figure of George Romero. The rider of Roda de Ter, who rode the horse "Roig", had the best time to travel 120 km, which was held this weekend in the vicinity of Ripoll. The new champion of Catalonia, made a final time of 8 hours, 39 minutes and 40 seconds, beating by a narrow margin in a top favorite for the title, Mario Alvarez. Jaume Punti won the bronze. -- Posted By Merri to Endurance Riding: News at 9/01/2009 12:15:00 PM