[RC] Fire in Forresthill CA [Tevis area] - Eric Drew
Foresthill Fire Foresthill Fire Incident
Information: Last Updated: August 27, 2009 7:15 pm Date/Time Started:
August 27, 2009 5:36 pm Administrative Unit: CAL FIRE Nevada-Yuba-Placer
Unit County: Placer County Location: American River Canyon near the
Foresthill Bridge Acres Burned: 30 acres Containment 30 acres - 0%
contained Evacuations: No current evacuations Cause: Under Investigation
Cooperating Agencies: CAL FIRE, Placer County Fire, Department of
Corrections and Rehabilitation Total Fire Personnel: 100+ Engines: 10
Fire crews: 4 Airtankers: 3 Helicopters: 2 Dozers: 2 Water
tenders: 3 Conditions: Forward progression of the fire has been stopped.