[RC] Picking a horse trailer lock? - vjhogenOK, so I have slight problem that I hope some one can help me with. I don't have a key to my 1999 Logan Wrangler trailer. I moved my water tank from the back of the trailer on sat. to the front tack area and since it was empty i did not secure it.. So,,,, it must have fallen over and locked the tack room from the inside. We are in a remote area so the lock smith will have to travel about 250 miles to help me. I have contacted Logan Trailers and they don't use these locks any more so they weren't a lot of help on getting a key.. So any one have any suggestions?? I did learn a very valuable lesson, SECURE the water tank.. Luckily I had saddled before we loaded up, and that he has finally mellowed out enough to be ridden in a halter.. I would have really been grouchy if I hadn't been able to ride after driving clear out to the middle of no where..