RE: [RC] Great article on prevention Alzheimer's - David LeBlanc
Fascinating stuff – reading through the article, and translating a bit, this is what it seems to boil down to:
Eat fish rich in DHA (salmon, etc)
Don’t eat too much
Green tea, beer, wine, grapes, and olive oil are good for you
Indian food is good (Indian people have among the world’s lowest Alzheimer’s rate)
Mediterranean diet
Anti-oxidant vitamins
Don’t get obese
Excepting the bit about not eating too much, I’m doing pretty well on this one – all my favorite foods are on the list. Nice to read one of these, and not think that I have to change my whole lifestyle.
From: ridecamp-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:ridecamp-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Carla Richardson Sent: Tuesday, July 21, 2009 10:12 AM To: ridecamp (E-mail) Subject: [RC] Great article on prevention Alzheimer's
Read this if you're interested in helping to prevent Alzheimer's, by simple changes to your diet. BTW, I'm a registered dietitian, but have no financial interest in this article :) just want to pass on some good information!