Re: [RC] Snake sticks - Maryanne GabbaniHmm, theoretically, we are home to three Cobra varieties and a few sand vipers, but in twenty years of riding I have seen precisely two cobras and one viper. My horses never noticed them or the water snakes that once in a blue moon will be crossing a trail in front of us. My staff think I'm crazy since most Egyptians are amazingly uninformed about animals and totally snake-phobic...but there is a no-kill policy on my land. The cobras are very shy and as long as there is lots of activity (meaning that the gardeners are out there weeding to scare off the snakes! <G>) all the snakes stay away.
Maryanne Stroud Gabbani msgabbani@xxxxxxxxx Egypt Face to Face Weblogs: Living In Egypt Cairo/Giza Daily Photo Turn Right At The Sarcophagus Da Moose Is Loose (a blog for kids) Photos of Egypt: On Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 7:32 AM, Jay Randle <splendacrest@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: