[RC] Big Horn '09 - Marirose SixA long story will be forthcoming when I get a chance, but in a nut shell:
A lot of people missed a wonderful ride this year. Beautiful weather, beautiful trail, lots of water & wildflowers. I don't know why more folks don't come to this ride. But those of us who did had a real treat.
There were 7 of us in the 100. 5 finished. Dorothy Sue Phillips, Marlene 'the german' (don't know her last name), Dave Rabe & the nice lady who was riding with him (I never got her name) all came in together sometime around 12:30. Nellie & I finished 17 minutes later & got BC. Woo Hoo! I was SO excited.
I think there were 12 in the 55. All I know is Don Yaw, my buddy from MI won it & Sue Lykes horse got BC.
There were some LD's & I am sorry, but I have no idea what their results were.
THANK YOU, THANK YOU to the ride management & vets, you all are the best. You put so much into this ride for us riders--I appreciate you immensely! I really hope that I can convince more riders that they really need to put this ride on their "to-do list". It is an awesome ride!
-- Marirose