Rubs happen when the layer of clothing next to the skin
moves over the skin. If the saddle and tights stick together then the
clothing will move over the skin and a rub happen.
One way to solve this is to have a very slick saddle and
slick tights. My first saddle was completely slick, and when I started
endurance I purchased slick nylon riding tights. Being used to little or
no friction between me and the saddle, I have never felt the need to purchase
gear to increase "grip".
If balance issues prevent this then you need a tight layer
next to the skin that slips on the outer layer of clothing. May I
suggest panty hose under the tights. When I first started riding Endurance
there was one competitor who wore cowboy clothing including blue jeans. I
asked him how he prevented rubs from the jeans. He confessed that he wore
panty hose under the jeans. At this point his wife chimed in, much to his
embarrassment, that he was embarrassed to purchase them himself and he made her
do it. The funny part was my vision of a 5' 100 lb woman purchasing panty
hose that would fit a 6' 4" 240 lb man.
Ed & Wendy Hauser 2994 Mittower
Road Victor, MT 59875