[RC] Australian Extreme Endurance Equitation Expedition - Jay Randle
Hi All
Well, the planning for the "Australian Extreme Endurance Equitation Expedition (OZEEEE) Tour" is well under way! A hardy group of interested persons are getting together to blitz Kentucky and surrounds while we take in the sights of WEG 2010 and associated activities.
This looks like a tour to match, and possible exceed, the fantastic experiences of our 2008 tour to the Western States and the AERC Convention!!!
Our plans include an extended stay in Lexington in order to experience many of the WEG 2010 events, as well as attendance at one or more endurance rides in the area, if possible. Of course, the AERC Calendar doesn't have any endurance events listed for the September/October 2010 season as yet, however I was wondering if any of the ROs in the area could let me know if they intend to put on any rides on the following 2010 dates:
18/19 September
2/3 October
9/10 October
If there are rides available, we would love to attend (and possibly a few of us ride in) them! So, if you've got a spare horse, and would like to host an Australian endurance rider for a ride, I would also love to hear from you!
Thanks in advance for the hospitality and friendship that I know our group members will receive!!!