When you feel the horse's withers underneath your
butt...time to get a crupper. But seriously, I ride in a treeless so I
could actually feel when my saddle was too far forward (I could
literally feel her withers underneath my crotch) and I've ridden with a
crupper ever since and not had anymore problems with saddle slippage. I don't
think it would be as easy for me to tell if I rode in a treed
I assume that a LITTLE slipping is ok and normal, as you'd really
have to have the breastplate and crupper really tight to avoid ANY
slipping. How much slipping is too much? At what point does it
indicate that you need a breastplate or crupper? The need for a
breastplate is a little more obvious (if the saddle slips back and you're
sitting on their butt, lol), but the crupper seems a little less obvious to
me. Thanks!