"If anyone is planning to travel to within a couple hundred miles of Redding, California............from North or North Central Idaho, W. Montana; E. Washington or E. Oregon.; or E. BC..........I am looking for trailer space for one very nice goat. Yes, that would be a goat. I realize this is a horse list, but you guys are my friends, so I figured I could ask.
I live 25 miles north of Moscow, Id. and Pullman Wa.......about 70 miles south of Spokane Wa., and 70 miles north of Lewiston, Id, and could arrange to meet you en route.
Myself and the buyer of said goat will pay you/pitch in for gas, etc.
Or, should you happen to see an attractive 200 lb. gentleman with horns and a beard standing by Hwy. 95 with his hoof out "thumbing" a ride, that would be Trix, don't hesitate to pick him up. He is harmless as long a you carry a loaded squirt gun to enforce the rules and regulations.
Sarah Metcalf"
Please respond privately to Sarah - smetcalf at moscow dot com