[RC] Horse Retirement Farm in Carolinas/Florida/Georgia - HELP! - Michael Lewis
I have a horse who just turned 29 a couple days
ago, and due to upcoming military move within the next year or so need to start
looking for a place for him where he will be safe and happy. Nafal has
moved with me all over the country during my military career, but at his age now
I simply don't believe it is in his best interest to move again. When
moving, it is rare to luck into rental properties where there is a house for us
and pasture for horses.
Can anyone recommend a suitable retirement farm
that would take him, or perhaps a therapeutic riding clinic? He can be
gently ridden by smaller-framed individuals and is still quite eager to
go. Only real issue is that he drops weight in the winter (needs good hay
and preferably a warmer climate--such as GA/FL).