I have vaccinnated for rabies in my horses for several years. Last couple years here in NW Georgia, there have been several rabies encounters. A rabid coyote attacked a jogger in Atlanta suburbs near where I used to live. He wrestled it down and it was positive. A little old lady in (Atl. suburbs ) got attacked by a fox while weeded her garden. There have been some cats or kittens in NE Atl. suburbs.
On the horse front, a stabled horse in adjacent county was treated for "something", finally they realised it had rabies., and the vet and owner had to be treated. They believe it got it from bats. (above stories were either on the news or told to me by vets.)
Lots of varmits around here, and tons of coyotes... loose neightbor dogs (sigh).My vet just did my shots for my dogs, cats and horses and donkey for 9.44$ each. Cheap insurance.
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