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[RC] Gods and Generals ( was who i would like to ride with) -
Tom Sites
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Re: [RC] One of my cardinal rules of horses (was: gloves) -
Elizabeth Walker
[RC] Canadian Trail House has moved south - CTH
I would like to take a moment to thank everyone who supported Canadian Trail House over the last 15 years.
I have sold the machines and stock to Diana Seager and Sheri Romero of Battle Ground Washington.
American Trail Gear
1-866-237-6006 is the new business.
These ladies are great and will give excellent service.
Not being able to stay still long I have become a USANA Health Sciences Associate
I invite you to take a peak at
to see what I am up to.(also help me win tickets to go to UTAH and ride with Sue Hedgecock)
My plans are to ride , ride , ride this summer something I have not had much time for in the past few years.
Thank you all, I have met great friends and hope to stay in touch. See you in Reno at convention BUT this time I get to actually go to the speakers
Thank you again
Ridecampers are the BEST!
Paddi Sprecher
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Re: [RC] One of my cardinal rules of horses (was: gloves) -
Elizabeth Walker
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[RC] Gods and Generals ( was who i would like to ride with) -
Tom Sites
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[RC] Custom tack by Taylored Tack
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[RC] Gods and Generals ( was who i would like to ride with)