Anyone here found anything that has helped with chronic diarrhea? My 19 yoa Arab gelding has had it for about 6 months. Before that he was an always-healthy easy keeper on grass hay and a handful of oats. Neither of my other horses are affected. He's been examined by equine vet, bodyworker and dentist, teeth fine, bloodwork normal, muscles relaxed (bodyworker says he's got the flexibility of a 4 yoa), never colicky, no visible melanoma (he's gray), not lame, isn't losing 'much' weight, appetite and demeanor same as before it started. Over the months, we've tried Panacur Purge, Biosponge, PRObiotic, Smartdigest Ultra, Dynamite electolytes, free choice RedCal mineral salt and various combinations thereof. Recent exposure to spring grass hasn't improved or worsened the diarrhea.
At this point I spend a bit of time washing his butt and legs every three or four days (of course he's gotta be a WHITE horse making stains inevitable). I still ride him lightly but no way would I want to risk a metabolic issue by putting a bunch of miles on him even though his demeanor says he's willing. Vet says we could do more tests/etc but chances are high that I'd spend a bunch of money and never determine the cause. I may have to go forward with that anyway just to hopefully figure out how to STOP it.
Anyone got any suggestions for supplements that you've seen help? Any holistic therapy ideas?