[RC] Message from Linda Tanian re Meg Wade - Jay Randle
Hi Everybody
Well, once again I don't have anything to report, Meg still has not regained consciousness and the family are all still waiting. Gatesy has come home for a day or two to get a few things done and pick up some more bits and pieces before heading back. He's looking for Meg's iPod so that she can listen to some of her favourite Arabic music. Hopefully when she hears that she'll start to get up and do some of her dancing moves!
Gatesy mentioned that the doctors are contemplating moving her to a neurological high dependency unit. I assume that's standard procedure to move the patient from the ICU once they have stabilised.
I'm heading off for the long drive to Canberra tomorrow night and plan to visit Meg on Wednesday. I've been putting together a list of gossipy things to talk to her about as well as latest happenings from the farm and some of the funny things that happened at Tumby ride that I didn't get a chance to tell her about. I've had quite a few people with experiences of the same sort tell me that it is important to talk with Meg as she will hear it all although will not be able to communicate back so I'm going armed with a list.
Gatesy tells me I can be one of the long lost cousins or a sister-in-law so that he can sneak me in! I'll update you all once I get back.