Title: "There is always a well-known solution to every human
problem--neat, plausible, and wrong
There is a much easier way to get a positive spin - Don't Use Drugs. It
could also be to determine when masking agents might be necessary or
when to stall the FEI tester, etc.
Steph Teeter wrote:
I'm also curious, and only speculating - but I suspect
there was already evidence of a positive and they are trying to 'get a
jump' on the FEI process and publicity and spin a more positive (so to
speak) story. (just speculation!) The concept of 'in house testing'
is a strange one, because I would imagine the barns regularly do this
during competition as well as training, and I find it hard to believe a
scenario where they would voluntarily come forward because of some
evidence gathered from 'in house' testing...
only speculation!!
"There is always a well-known solution to every
problem--neat, plausible, and wrong." H. L. Mencken