Title: "There is always a well-known solution to every human
problem--neat, plausible, and wrong
Sham on you Julie ;-) .
Sometimes I think we write "special rules" which can be quite ambiguous
just because someone did something thing someone else didn't like and
the incident grows it own legs and must be prohibited. But I guess
that's human nature because our local, state and federal laws are full
of examples of the same thing. In my opinion the "pacing" rule fall
into that category.
As far as I'm concerned keep you buckle and wear it with pride.
To make this germane to previous posts is that
I was being paced by the runner. In this case, I trying to slow my
horse down who felt once he crossed the river he should gallop on to
Auburn, probably without me as it had been a long day and I would have
been dismissed from a centered riding class. I hope they don't take my
buckle away from me with this true confession. Julie