Hey all - this may be a bit OT, but if any of you have non-horsey friends who are writers and are struggling with capturing what horses are really like, I've heard about a book that might help them out. Forgive the plug...but I think it's a great idea! I just finished a book where the main characters galloped everywhere they went, no other gaits, from dead stop to dead stop. I"m thinking - what, no warm up? No cool down time? The mare didn't tie up? :) Or the characters ride all day long, in the winter and I"m wondering where do they stop for the horses to eat? And we won't even go into the whole Hidalgo embarrassment :).
Anyway, if you have any frustrated writer friends who would like to get better about writing about horses, this book was written by endurance rider Becky Huffman (under the pen name Sue L Huffman). Visit www.bluesueL.blogspot.com if you want more info. The name of the book is The 33 Worst Mistakes Writers Make About Horses.
And fwiw, i'm not involved in the book, do not gain anything from the sales, etc. Just thought it was a nifty idea and thought this might be a good way to spread the word.