I know that it might sound strange, but if riders
are entering this ride with the information available to you in advance then
what is the problem? Once everyone is all cramped into this ride it causes
problems with riders wanting to leave before the end of the weekend. That
would cause trouble with others having to pick up their camp so someone moves to
get out. With a horse that might have a problem and needs to leave for a
clinic it is understandable, but if your out of a horse for lamness or your
tired then, your there to camp and relax for the rest of weekend. It is so
plainly stated in the entry that way. Some rides have to have special
needs and this is one of them. The camping area is very tight with bushes
and trees so rigs are there to stay for the weekends event.
Tammy Robinson (16,000 AERC miles) Trail-Rite
Products 18171 Lost Creek Road Saugus, CA 91390 661/513-9269
office 661/713-3912 cell 661/513-9206 fax www.trail-rite.com
In a message dated 2/16/2008 4:48:39 P.M. Pacific Standard Time,
jkgottaride@xxxxxxxxxxx writes:
I have
read the last few posts concerning ride entry payments, bad checks, etc. It
brings up a question that keeps gnawing at me.
I'm interested in
recieving feed back from AERC members on certain techniques of collecting
ride fees. I realize this will be controversial, but...here I go
anyway, it's my nature.
While we all agree that it's ride
managers that make our sport possible, and that without them we would be high
and dry, still I would like to bring up the practice of not refunding ride
entries. I can think of several rides in my region where the ride managers
practice this. Here's an example of the situation; there is limited
parking at a very popular multi-day ride. More people want to enter than there
are apparently spaces available for parking, so in order to enter the ride you
must enter and pay for all days of the ride. If for any reason you
are not able to ride all of the days, you do not receive a refund for the days
you did not ride, regardless of the grounds for resigning from the
event. Of course, the answer is to bring multiple horses to increase
your chances of getting you moneys worth. How many horses can you get in
your trailer? The idea that I may pay for miles that for any given
reason I never ride still bothers me. It may be argued that the ride
manager will not make as much money if they allow people to come and use up
parking for only one day of riding, while allowing the person who enters all
days to enter is more financially sound. On the other hand, how are
the parking limitations the problem of the rider? And, why should the rider be
out the entry fee because of the limited parking? We are talking hundreds of
dollors here. So far I have simply refrained from entering those
rides. Any thoughts? Sincerely, Jennifer
Voight =