we could start a groupGaze into the future and start writing a FITS 100 story now. Kind of like Ron Reagan being a baseball reporter but before rather than after the fact:) might be king of interesting to see how our view shapes the future (ref: Bucky Fuller and Normative Scenarios:)
We know that FITS is a big WEC CoC gathering event, so I'm thinking there will be a 57% completion rate and that the first 28 finishers will finish in the 13:20 time to get their CoCs.
Wrong ride. It was Far Out Forest...but I need to know any stories about the front runners anyone would like to relate. I'm in charge of writing it up for a magazine and like more than just stats.
On Mon, 18 Feb 2008 07:04:09 -0800 (PST) Jody Rogers-Buttram <dragnin100@xxxxxxxxx> writes:
Does anyone have any info on the ride this past weekend?? How did the 100 miler go??