[RC] Solar Panel 'Electric fencing' - Nik Isahak Abdullah
I am planning to keep my 2 arabs and a herd of cattle on a 60 acre land fringing a dense tropical forest . Keep out the wild boers and tapirs as well .Perimeter fencing ,probably around 2.4 kilometres or 1.5 miles of wires,needing at the most 4 'wires' .In the US or Australia this question may sound outright stupid ,but in sunny Malaysia we have very little experience with solar fencing despite the 'free' sun !!! Ist ,Total perimeter solar fencing this way without 'sublotting ', if you know what I mean ,is it "dowable" ? Secondly ,how much would it cost in the US or Down Under for one wire .If 4 wires ,does it mean 4 solar unit ? 3rdly , is there such thing as an elephant proof unit ? Stupid question !!