[RC] emergency: horses just OD'd on dynamite--what to do??? - Mary Krauss - Carrie Kitley
I think the first thing to do would be to get them moving, walk them around, ALOT. Get that stuff moving through their systems and OUT. Lots of water, if it's feasible to get them to drink bunches. I'm so sorry you had such a terrible day and now this. PLEASE let us know what happens. You know you have our support out here. ~C
Came home to barn door open and an empty 5lb tub of Dynamite Concentrated vitamin and mineral supplement. The vet is going to try to come through the snowstorm and tube all three horses since we don't know which ate how much. My husband who's an MD read up on human vitamin od-ing and says the emergency standard of administering charcoal doesn't work AT ALL. Something about its not binding to heavy metals, particularly iron. Does anyone out there know anything? Do I save the vet the trip and just watch them. Is there anything that can be done anyway?? Are they going to be fine or are they gonna' be sick or are they going to die??? Is there some reason charcoal might work for a horse? Please tell me anything you might know. My email is lazykfarm at comcast dot net.
a very worried Mary K who began the day by sliding into a ditch with a van full of children....
~Carrie ~~___(\
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"The wind of heaven is that which blows between a horse's ears."