Re: [RC] feed prices...the rest of the story :) - Barbara McCrary
Having been on both sides of the production-consumption
issue, not necessarily hay, but other agricultural products, I agree with
Cindy. The consumer frets about prices for the products, but doesn't
realize the cost to the producer.
Subject: [RC] feed prices...the rest of
the story :)
I have several good friends who are hay producers in our area. I
think it's only fair that RC get "the other side of the story." Here are
things I hear from them:
• The price of farm diesel skyrocketed during the spring and summer
months when folks were "making hay."
• The price of twine has gone
up. Made of plastic.......a petroleum product. • Plastic gated pipe and the
'gates' that go in them are
plastic.........another petroleum product. • The cost of
replacement parts (made of steel) have risen dramatically. As has
shipping to your farm. • The cost of fertilizer has tripled if not more in
price. • The cost of seed has risen.........costs the grower more to
produce the seed and he, of course, passes it along to the farmer that wants to plant that
seed. • The cost of trucking rose dramatically. Horses are a luxury item.
....why would anyone producing hay keep producing if
they didn't at least try to cover their costs and MAYBE actually make some
This said, we all know that there are predatory people
who rip folks off with glee. However, most family hay producers are just
trying to survive. It's human nature to complain about rising prices,
but would you feel if you didn't get a raise in pay for years
and your expenses for doing your job keep going up? Just some food for