good points Rebecca! Our cars are not hybrids, (we can't afford those payments) but we have a 2 door 3 cyl. Geo Metro that gets 45 mpg ($1400 car) and my Suzuki Esteem (4 cyl.) and gets 36+ mpg. ($2000 car) I also trailer out as little as possible and choose to ride at my house (I border logging land and can ride for 25 miles easily, but it is gravel roads.) I don't smoke, rarely drink, eat out less and have put my husband in charge of bills as he's better with the money than I am. I did get a free horse last summer but see now that our daughter only has time for her older horse and doing just LD. This little guy is adorable and I've been putting some trail time on him, he's doing excellent, great mind, fast smooth walk, but I can see he's just going to be another mouth to feed, so he original owner will take him
back and I'm not asking for money. He'll be safer for her (which was what she wanted) I'll be feeding on less horse, he'll be in an excellent home and I'll have more time for my own horses.
heidi larson
I cut costs elsewhere. I do my own vehicle maintenance ( oil, filter
changes) Huge savings. Comparison shop for everything. Don't eat
out much. Wait for movies to come out on DVE instead of the
theaters. Drive the 30mpg hybrid whenever I can though I prefer
driving the dually much more.
I sew. I install myself. I learn to repair everythin instead of
just buying a new on (of anything)
I say NO to any "free horse" because we all know there is no such
Merry Christmas All