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Re: [RC] Desperate Times for Horse Owners and for Horses - Michelle AquilinoThanks Carrie for your messages! I am going to post my thoughts on the subject, even if it gets people upset, as this is something I feel VERY strongly about with dogs and cats, and the solution there really is the solution in this situation as well (I believe). I don't believe anyone should have to apologize for suggesting not buying from a breeder. While I agree there is a difference between "backyard" breeding, and actual controlled breeding, the solution is still to adopt (buy from non-breeders, and horses that weren't purposefully "backyard" bred). I believe that controlled breeding is a good and necessary thing (just like with breeds of dogs, to maintain the breed standard, and keep the breed around), but the more people there are buying from breeders, the more breeding has to take place (think supply and demand). There will ALWAYS be people buying from breeders, I am confident in that (just like there will always be people wanting cockapoo puppies ;-). I also believe that there will always be "backyard" breeding. Without laws to stop people, it will always happen (not suggesting that there should be laws). Thus, my answer is to always offer the suggestion (without reservation) of rescuing, adopting, or buying an unwanted horse in general. We are far from having no one buy from breeders (meaning overall, not any individual breeder that may read this), and very far from fixing the "overpopulation" problem by stopping the "backyard" breeding, so one step at a time...
One may believe that since we are buying for an athletic sport, that we would more want to buy from breeders to have more of a "guarantee" that they will be conformationally "correct" and healthy on the trail. But I know I'm not the only person who can see that there are plenty of stories of rescues / unwanted horses turning into great endurance horses, and lots of breeder horses who have had problems, that no one talks about. I'm not trying to say that breeder horses are bad or anything, just mentioning the consideration that you don't HAVE to get a breeder horse to have a good endurance horse...
In addition, Carrie's mention of euthanasia came after I had started having similar thoughts. I had always (before) viewed horse euthanasia (as a form of getting rid of unwanted horses) as unthinkable, but then realized that if the situation is the same as the pet overpopulation is with dogs and cats (as it seems to potentially be), then this really is the best and most humane solution for unwanted horses. Just like with dogs and cats, once there are too many, to the point where we simply can't take care of all of the horses out there, it's the only answer, until the breeding (both backyard and not) lessens. Controlled breeding, in general, is a good thing (again, not saying it's evil or everyone needs to stop, etc), but the fact is (whether backyard or not), the more breeding that takes place, the more unwanted horses there will be out there. I believe that's simply a fact of the matter, numbers are numbers...
Ok, let the attacks on =P I think that's about the general gist of what I wanted to get out...
-- "Don't breed or buy while shelter animals die" __________________________________________
At the wise advice of someone on RC, I'm forwarding the below...
I understand what you're saying and I actually agree with you too, but was remiss in distinguishing between 'haywire' willy nilly breeding and the specific, controlled purposeful breeding you mentioned. There is a HUGE difference, I know. I was blurt typing earlier. :/
Carrie P.S. Sorry of I offended all the breeders out there.=A0 My bad. From: Carrie Kitley <nutzo4horses@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [RC] Desperate Times for Horse Owners and for Horses I'm with you Karen. I don't get it! I have a horse that would otherwise have been "thrown away" (put down) simply because the previous owner was tired of caring for him. :( He's a beautiful Leopard Appy, age 35 with a little arthritis, but he's still full of life. He also has so much personality, I can't imagine anyone wanting to kill him. Sorry for using the term "kill," but that's what it is, call it "euthanasia" but you're still killing the animal, albeit humanely. This rescue guy has brought me more joy than I can verbalize and he's not really rideable except for little kids, but just taking him for a walk is very special. If I could take on more unwanted horses, I would do it in a heartbeat but I board mine and there aren't even anymore spaces left there, plus I have 3 already! I'm not wealthy, I work fulltime and with that said, I hardly have enough time for the ones I've got. But I do my best and they're loved and very well cared for. However, I DO understand the need to euthanize when the animal is suffering or has no forsee-able future outside of suffering. What I see happening to horses now is what unfortunately happens with dogs and cats. For whatever reason, people don't want them anymore, so they get left on the doorstep, tied to the chain link fence and when nobody shows up to adopt them or there's no room at the inn . . . guess what. Euthanisia. The breeding needs to stop. With ALL domestic species. And people need to STOP buying horses from breeders. Want another horse?!! Adopt one! I'm sorry, this subject always gets me where I live.