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Re: [RC] [RC] OT - Orpheo, a.k.a. Merlin (the Magnificent!) - Chris A

he had a choice to put that horse in danger of that bull.
the bull has only one choice, try to fight to stay alive
yes, I've been around dairy and beef cattle most of my life too. And had a jersey heifer that was the meanest 4 legged critter ever. she ended up in the freezer. but I didn't torture her til she died and I didn't ask my horses to be in danger around her

Barbara McCrary <bigcreekranch@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I understand, and I'm not criticizing you for that.  I have been around cattle since I was a child; we have a small herd, and I am very practical about raising them.  I have been threatened and very nearly attacked by a snotty horned cow with a newborn calf.  I have stood up to 2,000# bulls when they didn't want to move the way we wanted them to.  Fortunately, Hereford bulls are generally less aggressive than some breeds, but I never let one get me in a corner.  The Spanish and Mexican fighting bulls are bred to be as mean as possible for that very purpose.  Watching the video, my concern was for the safety of the horse.  Having seen cattle in every circumstance possible, from alive and healthy to dead and dying, I guess it just doesn't affect me like it does you.  Sorry if I sound callous, but it's just my decades of experience around cattle of all degrees of disposition that makes me a bit more immune to the anguish of watching that video
----- Original Message -----
From: Chris A
Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2008 8:12 PM
Subject: Re: [RC] [RC] OT - Orpheo, a.k.a. Merlin (the Magnificent!)

barbara, I'm not saying someone else's culture is wrong. I'm saying I can't watch it.

Barbara McCrary <bigcreekranch@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I don't admire torturing animals, but this is NOT our culture and it's basically none of our business.  We wouldn't like it if someone from another culture criticized ours.  They could say, "You horrible people, you let women go around in public without covering their heads, or worse yet, you let them wear pants or go to the beach half naked.  It's all a matter of culture and perspective, and I don't think we should be criticizing or dictating to other cultures how they should conduct theirs.
As for the horse, I have never seen a horse run sideways.  It's incredible...
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There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as if everything is. - Albert Einstein, physicist

Chris Anton
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There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as if everything is. - Albert Einstein, physicist

Chris Anton
Skype: Chris A

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Re: [RC] [RC] OT - Orpheo, a.k.a. Merlin (the Magnificent!), Barbara McCrary