I would like to hear the other side of the story. How can someone say an attorney would find the owner negligent without knowing all the facts? This is a bunch of hearsay and possibly (probably) exaggerated.
What part of "BE CAREFUL MY HORSE BITES" don't you understand?? Don't assume that means only a little, only other horses, only someone else...assume that means my horse bites, so in other words, "I'm here if you want to crowd in, do it at your own risk".
How hard is it getting a horse suitable for endurance - eats, drinks, stays sound....? One that's somewhat comfortable for the long distance? Conditioned? And now that horse shouldn't be allowed at rides because it bit someone that was warned? Unless this horse has a history of injuring people at rides, I say the fault is with the human that has the wonderful ability to talk, listen, reason, and move! Next time maybe.
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