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[RC] safe horse - Jean Miller

My first horse when I was 12 and the parents knew absolutely nothing, was a little part arab mare.  She was opinionated, would kick at times, and had a heart of gold.  She was my buddy, I laid on her back in her stall and read books.  I think my dad paid 100 bucks for her and another 100 for the saddle and bridle.  I rode her everywhere.  We rounded up the farmer's cows (I was asked politely not to do that), I hitched her to the antique buggy with a broken shaft with baling twine.  She pulled us until she freaked and then ran thru a gate and had a magnificent wreck with wheels spinning!  I had already leaped out when she ducked down the hill.  I was asked politely NOT to mess with the antique buggy!  She went anywhere I asked her to go and if she didn't want to go, I knew it wasn't safe.  We played cowboys and robbers with our horses, I suspect we drove the farmer nuts,  We disturbed the neckers in the car on the back lane much to their disgust but to my amusement.  She use to canter next to trains too.  I always figured my parents had no idea how lucky they were to find me a horse that wasn't bothered by traffic, trains, semis, whatever.  She would just run faster!!  I rode her in those loud parades and she never flinched.  what a gift and my dad had no clue how lucky he was to find such a safe horse.  That isn't to say that she never kicked or bite me, she sneaked those in now and then and I learned .  She would have been a great endurance horse but in the 50s I never knew that such a thing existed.But she got me started.  Sometimes I only had 30 min to get home and 4 miles to go.  We made it with minutes to spare!!  Good memories.  Jeanie