If you pick the ticks off daily the risk of infection is minimized
whether it’s lyme or other tick borne disease, at least this is the case
in northern CA. I believe the tick has to be attached at lest 24 hours, but
maybe it’s 48 or longer. Check with the vet. I think fever shows up a
week or two after transmission of the disease, and remember transmission
usually requires the tick be attached for awhile. Yes, there is tick repellent
that is a “spot on” type, but I don’t use it, just pick ticks
off daily.
Chrystal wrote: O.k. so just found out that although YES Florida
has lots of sun..................they also have lots of ticks!!! I just
got to Florida from Canada two weeks ago and this is the first time in my life
I have ever seen a tick let alone know how to deal with them.( SO be gentle
:-))))))) One of my Arabs was covered in bumps yesterday we washed him with dishsoap
( supposed to kill ticks??) and Dettol ( mild antiseptic) gave him some
antihistamines and covered him in fly spray after he dried, did the same thing
today, he is looking better., My
other mare was suffering from them as well though was not nearly so bad. SO............is
there a better way to deal with them? I am off to some tack stores tomorrow to
see what they have for tick repellent, is there anything available like the dog
one that you just put on once a month??? Also. do I need to call a vet if the
horse's have been bitten?? How do I know if they have Lyme disease?