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[RC] AERC Voting Ballots - kathy swigart

Heidi said:
> I was concerned as well when I read the post in which
> a parent had just automatically voted the junior's ballot
> without asking
Actually, I am a bit more concerned that juniors were getting ballots at all (if they were, it may be adult children whose parents are voting for them) since the by-laws say:
"6.06. A “Voting Member” shall be each Active Regular Adult Member and each Adult Lifetime Member, unless

otherwise restricted by provisions of these Bylaws or Rules. A Voting Member is entitled to one vote on each

matter submitted to a vote of the Members. Youth Members, Affiliate Members, all Special Memberships other

than Adult Lifetime and any Inactive Members shall not be entitled to vote on Conference matters." [emphasis mine]


Are junior members getting ballots?



Orange County, Calif.


p.s. However, in reading the by-laws, it also gives an answer to the previous question of why ballots are mailed separately.  The by laws DO require it:


6.02 says:

"6.02. There shall be no regular meeting of Members of the Conference. Voting for Directors and any other

matter shall be conducted by written ballot, as provided for in Section 6.12 of these Bylaws."


6.12 (c) says:

"(c) Solicitation of Ballots. Ballots shall be solicited in a manner consistent with the requirements of

giving notice of Members’ meetings set forth in Sections 6.04 of these Bylaws."


and 6.04 says:

"6.04. Written notice of Special Members’ meetings shall be mailed by United States Mail, postage prepaid,

twenty (20) days before the date of the meeting to each Active Member who on the record date for notice of the

meeting is entitled to vote thereat. The notice shall be addressed to the Member at the address of such Member

appearing on the list of the Conference or at the address given by the Member to the Conference for the purpose

of notice."


It is also easier and less likely to create mistakes caused by human error.:)