My horse had one on his leg AND he was 3
legged lame. It all seemed connected and of course I thought his leg was going
to fall off before it was all over. It didn’t, the sore and lameness were
not related, and he is on his way to recovery. I did take pics of the sore as I’d
never seen something like this appear so suddenly. It is likely tick or spider.
If anyone would like to see, email me at sherman at usamedia dot tv.
All my horses have the crusty lumps under their jaw and
their belly, an occasional one near their rump. I thought maybe those were from
something other than ticks, but had never asked the vet. Yes, they are very
itchy, and I have a similar reaction from a tick bite even when I pull it
before it’s really attached. So it makes sense that they are all tick
bites and I’m glad to finally know what they are. But is there anything
we can do to prevent them?