Hey guys I have a problem....I have a couple horses who for the first time ever have rain rot. Now I have dealt with it before on other horses in Florida, but not on horses with very thick, shaggy winter coats coming into winter in the north. So my question is how do i treat it with these thick coats or do i have to body clip them so i can get to it. One case is quite bad....the other mild but definately there. We live in a very cold area with -30's regularly and the horses live outside. They have two run-ins and lots of woods, but they seem to enjoy making my life difficult by standing in the rain! I did not sheet these guys as they have never had a problem before, but I sure am going to start sheeting them in wet weather now! So gurus of endurance.net any ideas??? Namaste, Juli
Juli Jakub
I've spent most of my life riding horses. The rest I've just wasted. ~Anonymous