From: ridecamp-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:ridecamp-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] On
Behalf Of Michelle Aquilino Sent: Saturday, October 18, 2008
4:14 PM To: ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx Subject: [RC] Hard Headed Horses
I did a search on ridecamp to try to find anyone who has experience
with hard headed horses, but then decided to just send an email to the whole
group, and see what sort of responses I get. I have a mare who I have
gradually fallen completely in love with, despite multiple attempts at selling
her. She is great to ride (not perfect, as she is young and can SOMEtimes
be spooky, but she is pretty solid and trustworthy, and I always feel safe
riding her alone). But she is strong, smart, and hard headed, and I am
relatively timid. I have built up some confidence through some training
with the two of us, but when it comes to trailer loading even the trainer
couldn't get her to load when she didn't want to. I know that it's not a
fear of the trailer, as she'll walk right on if she wants to, no questions
asked. But if she doesn't want to, there's no getting her in, and she
only gets worse with more pressure and any of those techniques that most people
recommend (butt rope, for example). I can't figure out anything that
works for her, and feel like with the way she is, even if we get to the point
where she'll load, I know she'll test that requirement at several points along
the road together, as I know she knows full well that she'll win a tug-of-war
contest hands down. It's not a fear thing, so it doesn't seem like the
"desensitizing" needs to be done. It's more of an "I don't
want to, and even if I get on, I'm not going to stay on if you get near that
door". She's a great hauler though, is really quiet on the road, and
unloads beautifully, which makes it all even more confusing to me. I
don't know, but I am hoping to get some ideas, so that maybe I can keep her
=) Thanks! -Michelle