14 Ed Kidd 7:38 (had to have a recheck on CRI but passed)?
15 Kristen Kimbler 7:46
16 Wendy Bejarano 7:54
17 Diane Doll 7:56
18 Courtney Walker 7:59
Farzad Fayadi slowed way down that loop but his horse seemed to get a big boost from it and is looking good again.
As of 7:40 or so no other horses were in on the lead loop, just Val. It's pretty chilly out. They're breaking out the rump rugs and fires are popular with the crews. No sign of a moon. Inky black.?
Val's horse went in and pulsed down as quickly as they could pull tack. Otis Schmitt had told us the horse was a "freak" after Ft. Howes. I'm starting to believe him.
April Johnson & Joe Schoech & Ron Chapman came in at 4. I left Myna off the last list when I'd said only 3 were still out. She came in on 4th loop and out time was 7:44