Re: FW: [RC] guns to euthanize--OT a bit - Maryanne GabbaniIf you have a very sharp knife and a strong stomach you could also do a halal or kosher slaughter. You cut through the jugular vein AND the carotid artery and the animal will bleed out while still in shock. You have to use a VERY sharp knife for this to avoid pain for the animal, but if it is very sharp, the animal is in shock and will feel nothing as it bleeds out. That's a lot of blood and can be pretty disturbing, but done correctly it is quite humane.
Maryanne who raises rabbits and poultry for meat, but uses people who really know how to slaughter properly and who owns a world class knife sharpener. On Thu, Oct 16, 2008 at 5:37 PM, Mike Sherrell <mike@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
-- Maryanne Stroud Gabbani msgabbani@xxxxxxxxx Egypt Face to Face Weblogs: Living In Egypt Cairo/Giza Daily Photo Turn Right At The Sarcophagus Da Moose Is Loose (a blog for kids) Photos of Egypt: