Re: [RC] guns to euthanize--OT a bit - Sisu West Ranch
If you use proper shot placement, a 22 long rifle
round from a pistol will quickly kill a horse. The problem is the
placement. It must cleanly enter the brain. Imagine an X drawn on
the horse's skull one stroke left ear to right eye, the other right ear to left
That said, I, along with most authorities, would
recommend the use of at least a 38 Special or 9 mm. If you are not going
to practice, and clean the firearm regularly a 38 Special or .357 Magnum (which
can use 38 special ammunition) is recommended.
Before you purchase, get proper
instruction!! In most juristictions there are classes, some for women
only, to introduce firearms, laws, safety, and many include practice at a range
with a variety of arms. Call your nearest shooting range or stop into the
nearest gun store to find out where they are being held.
Fire arm ownership and use are a constitutionally
guaranteed right of all Americans, but carry with it awsome
Ed & Wendy Hauser 2994 Mittower
Road Victor, MT 59875