[RC] RC :Malaysia'WEC : Some Wild Predictions - Nik Isahak Abdullah
Steph ,
Not as wild as I put it .In my assessment Team USA preparation has been awesome ! One month in Florida ,Valerie Kanavy flying all the way down just to study the trail and conditions [ I had prior communication with her on her trip ,did not think at that time she was serious as she was initially out of contention ! ] ,and your Think Tank .That is a recipe for success .
Between Crandel, Valerie ,yourself and yours truly ,we know what the rest of the world are still grasping .Team Gold is yours if you ride your ride well in Malaysia .
Yuo need 6 superlative horse +++ to win the induvidual Gold in Malaysia ,but the Team Gold is for the Team with the right thinking behind them .Team USA is a good bet and I am not just trying to make you guys happy .
We know how to do it but we do not think we have the 4 good horses and 4 good men to do it . I missed the 2nd CoC and still knocking my head against the wall for attempting to get all that back home in Malaysia .Difficult +++. That , in retrospect for us 'locals' was a harsh 11th hour ruling , badly thought and harshly implemented .
8 of our combinations are 'foreign' horses so we are no better than you 'visitors' .SMS me before the ride perhaps we can theorise on ride strategy over your favourite 'Star Bucks' coffee ! The is one in downtown Kuala Terengganu I reckon .