I would like to mention that the AERC education committee has quite a bit
of material on the AERC website on the topic of moving up to longer
distances. With the committee's past leadership of Dinah Rojeck and the
current leadership from Stagg Newman, the education committee has put in quite a
bit of effort getting this information available to the membership both on
the AERC website and also by publishing articles in Endurance
News. At the last convention, the education committee provided
a seminar on moving up to the longer distances which included a Q&A
There is a lot of good information out there about moving up to the 100
mile distance which can certainly be applied to moving up to any longer
distance. Perhaps, we need to do a better job letting the membership know
that the information is out there and available. The education committee is
trying to come up with new ways to reach the membership. Most members
of the education committee and mentors are very approachable both by telephone
contact and by e mail. Every region has mentor liaison (who is listed in
EN every month). This liaison has the resources to set up members with a
suitable mentor who rides in that mentor's region.
If there are any members that are interested in moving up in distance and
don't know where to start or can't find information I suggest the
following. First, check out the AERC website and click on the education
link. Second, if you don't want to do the web thing, re read past
endurance news articles. Every month the education committee has an
article. There are also many issues that have more than one article that
can be useful in moving up in distance. Third, contact your regional
mentor liaison. This person can put you in direct contact with an
experienced endurance rider who is willing to mentor new riders or mentor riders
that want to move up in distance. Fourth, if you are interested in trying
100 mile rides, check out the New 100 mile riders list on Yahoo. This is
not an official AERC list but is a great resource to those interested in the 100
mile distance. Fifth, talk to local riders who are doing 100s or
longer distances and pick their brains. There are very few riders I know
who won't share what they have learned with other riders.
Kim Fuess
AERC #6648
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