Re: [RC] More evacuation options-survival advice - Sisu West Ranch
earthquake territory, for which there is NO warning. So, to "plan" for
that is futile, ..."
Planning to run is futile, but there is lots that
can be prepared.
1. In a big one power can go out. Be ready
for that
2. Transport can be difficult. Food, and
meds stockpiled
3. Construction of the house/ barns, preventing
post quake fires.etc.
4. How to get home from work with bridges
down etc.
5. What to use for money
6. How will scattered family members contact (even
small children and or their caretakers) each other. Assuming cell phones
down, where to leave word, perhaps to use red cross to all contact an out of
state relative.
Ed & Wendy Hauser 2994 Mittower
Road Victor, MT 59875